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Jason Isaacs Cast As Captain Lorca On Star Trek: Discovery

Jason Isaacs Cast As Captain On Star Trek: Discovery

Discovery casts Harry Potter star Jason Isaacs as Captain Lorca and Mary Wiseman as Cadet Tilly

Jason Isaacs, best known for his role as Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films, will play the Starship Discovery’s commanding officer, Captain Lorca He joins, among others, series lead Sonequa Martin-Green and fellow captain Michelle Yeoh.

According to Deadline, Isaacs’ role will be a “major” one, opposite Martin-Green’s Lt. Cmdr. Rainsford. As this is the first Star Trek series to not center around the captain, it will be interesting to see how that dynamic develops between the two over the course of the series.

Isaacs has played military officers in the past, including supporting roles in Black Hawk Down and Fury. He is also no stranger to streaming television, having recently starred in the Netflix original The OA.

Additionally, Mary Wiseman has joined the cast as Tilly, a Starfleet Academy cadet. Wiseman has previously appeared on Difficult People and Longmire.

Isaacs posted a tweet with a picture of what is now his captain’s chair on Tuesday.

In addition to Isaacs and Wiseman, the cast of Star Trek: Discovery includes Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Michelle Yeoh, Anthony Rapp, James Frain, Sam Vartholomeos, Malik Pancholy, Terry Serpico, Chris Obi, Shazad Latif and Mary Chieffo.

The show is currently in production in Toronto and will hopefully premier this fall.

Nicholas Meyer (director of The Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country and co-writer of The Voyage Home) and Kirsten Beyer are serving as a writers and consulting producers with Alex Kurtzman, Bryan Fuller and Rod Roddenberry as executive producers. Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts have been hired as co-showrunners.

Stay tuned to for the latest news on Star Trek: Discovery. Follow @TrekNewsnet on Twitter, TrekNews on Facebook, TrekNews on Instagram and TrekNewsnet on YouTube.

Feature photo: Gage Skidmore

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Written By

Andrew Cardinale is from a Boston suburb where he works in IT. When he's not doing something Star Trek related, he writes, follows local sports and listens to far too many podcasts. You can follow Andrew on Twitter @acardi.



  1. Arron Ratcliff

    March 7, 2017 at 2:41 pm

    hmmm i might be interesting to see him in a role as something other then a villain.

    • jurassicbond

      March 9, 2017 at 6:01 pm

      He was good in Event Horizon.

      • Arron Ratcliff

        March 10, 2017 at 10:00 am

        To be honest it’s been so long since i saw that movie i barely remember it. i’ll give it a watch this weekend to see what he’s like.

  2. Shawn Pock

    March 7, 2017 at 3:06 pm

    I’m not really sure what they mean by “the first Star Trek series to not center around the captain”. I wouldn’t really say any of them have centered primarily around the captain. They seem more like ensemble casts to me.

    I’m trying to imagine what ST:TNG would be like if it were “centered around Riker” instead of “centered around Picard”. Because both characters are so prominent throughout the series, it’s hard to figure out what that would even mean.

    • Marc Henson

      March 7, 2017 at 4:58 pm

      I don’t know, I always thought that Data was a more important character, and then maybe Worf.

      • Shawn Pock

        March 7, 2017 at 6:55 pm

        Yes, exactly my point. I never felt that TNG was Picard-centric. Of course he figured prominently into most of the story lines, but so did most of the main cast.

        • Arron Ratcliff

          March 8, 2017 at 12:29 pm

          There are episodes centered on Data or Troi or Dr Crusher or Riker.Each episode was different there are some that barely had Picard featured.And the ones that did focus solely on Picard were kinda boring. Same with DS9 and Voyager. When you have such good casts.You don’t have to center the stories around just one Character.Heck some of the best TOS stories weren’t about Kirk sure he was there but they weren’t his stories.

    • Keen

      April 9, 2017 at 9:23 am

      It seems pretty straightforward. Ignoring the explicitly Picard and Riker-focused episodes, which of those characters was more likely to play a large role in a story? Obviously Picard. He was the one making most of the critical decisions, so given the TNG propensity to put the Enterprise’s crew in mortal danger more often than not, you probably get a lot of Picard even if Geordi or Data are the A-plot.

      Anyone who thinks Worf is a more central character in TNG than Picard probably hasn’t watched much of the show. Or has a very flaky memory.

  3. jurassicbond

    March 9, 2017 at 6:00 pm

    I believe this to be an awesome choice! I enjoyed his character in Event Horizon, so I can see how he will be like due to that performance. Being a captain is the best role for him because I would buy his acting and believe it. I wouldn’t say he would be better than Patrick Stewart or William Shatner, but definitely better than Scott Backula. I’m looking forward to this show…when it finally comes out that is.

  4. Xandercom

    March 22, 2017 at 11:15 pm

    I miss the days when the cast were carefully selected relatively unknown actors based on the way the characters were written and intended to be, following lots of auditioning and careful thought.

    To me this just seems like throwing all this stupid OTT amounts of production budget at contemporary populist actors to pull in viewers from other shows.

    I’ve no interest in American actors hopping between franchises. This is bullshit.

    Trek lost it’s way with Enterprise, and I don’t think it will ever recover to it’s former glory. We see it everywhere in other franchises, with reboots, retcons and prequels galore. It’s all about return of investment by distorting previously successful brands in to a new money spinner.

    It’s offensive, and you’ll be paying for it.

    The sad thing is that the more money they secure for investors, the more their returns are in pumping this out to a mass audience of idiots.

    I’m sorry if it offends you, but Discovery has been garbage populist trash tv from the outset. Kill it with fire.

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