Hercules over at Ain’t It Cool News recently posted an email he received from Solomon Short, a contributor who claims to have been in the presence of X-Men and Superman Returns Director, Bryan Singer’s proposed pilot we mentioned last week.
Many years ago I sat in a friend’s office and held the script for the proposed Trek series pilot, but did not have time to read it. If memory serves me correctly, this is what I recall getting out of my friend about the series. Begin brief…
The Singer universe was written before the Abrams reboot and follows the original Trek timeline.
We are somewhere just beyond the 30th century.
The Klingons are less warrior-like and more political.
The Romulans and Vulcans completed reunification and are busy with that (obviously this doesn’t take into account Romulus’s destruction).
And the Federation has expanded through a huge portion of the galaxy — so far in fact, transmissions from the frontier to Starfleet HQ takes years at subspace frequencies.
Ships sent to these distant areas of the galaxy are near autonomous, expanding the Federation while exploring new worlds and civilizations unknown to the Trek universe.
In a way, this parallels Voyager exploring the far Delta quadrant and DS9’s wormhole access to the Gamma quadrant, except our hero ship is not trying to go home, yet the crew is literally on thier own to deal with whatever gets thrown in the way, while still making headway on thier mission of exploration and expansion.
I cannot comment on the principal characters or the story itself, as I did not read the script, nor do I recall where in the galaxy this takes place (i.e. what quadrant).
As I said, a few years have passed and I may be off on a couple details. Hope this is of interest,
Solomon Short
What do you think about Singer’s proposed take on Star Trek? Leave your thoughts in the comments area.
Source: Ain’t It Cool News

April 12, 2011 at 9:55 pm
Hard to say. The details aren’t all that specific. I think it’d really depend on the characters.
April 12, 2011 at 9:56 pm
I’d just be happy to have SOME Star Trek on TV.
April 13, 2011 at 4:51 pm
I dislike what Abrams did to Star Trek & I don’t believe a 30th Century Star Trek would be any better. What would be wrong with keeping Gene’s universe as it was? Star Trek was a great run, but let’s not ruin it by trying to capitalize on what “was”. Why can’t we just appreciate what it was & leave it at that.
April 29, 2011 at 3:50 am
It would be really wonderful if we had another series set during the TNG/DS9/VOY era… those were the most successful, and we’ve had WAY too much of the Kirk era. There was no need for them to make another move during that time…
Santino Argenti
June 6, 2011 at 7:17 pm
i personally think a show focusing on life at the academy would be interesting.
December 13, 2011 at 12:08 am
I love that idea as well.
December 13, 2011 at 12:08 am
Love the idea, but wouldn’t Starfleet have had ships drop beacons so that transmissions from ‘these distant areas of the galaxy’ take only hours and not years?