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No Set Start Date for Star Trek Sequel According to Orci & Kurtzman

Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman

Star Trek 2 is still without an announced start-of-production date, a release date or even a confirmed title. However, co-writers and producers Alex Kutzman and Roberto Orci recently shed some light on their mindset going into the sequel and their thoughts on rushing the film to theaters.

“I’ve heard so many things mentioned, but we have so much… it’s a matter of someone putting the date on paper and saying, “We’re starting.”” Orci said.

Regarding rushing the film to theaters, Kurtzman said “You just don’t want to do that, especially on a movie that we all love so much and has high expectations.”

“Rushing means more expensive, and that’s a question for our benefactors, who have to decide how bad they want it in terms of that kind of stuff.” Orci said.

[Source: Ain’t It Cool News]

Written By

Founded in 2011. UX, visual designer, and published photographer based in the Boston area. Connoisseur of Star Trek, sci-fi, '80s horror, synthwave sounds, and tacos. You can follow Brian on Twitter @brianwilkins.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Tremour

    August 5, 2011 at 7:51 pm

    While on one hand I agree, take your time and do it right. On the other, CAN WE GET THIS DAMN MOVIE STARTED ALREADY? 🙂

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