One-day-and-it’s-gone online t-shirt retailer TeeFury has a gruesome new Star Trek-inspired shirt available for a short time this weekend, The Walking Red.
Playing off the popular “Walking Dead” comics and television show, as well as Star Trek‘s favorite expendable crewmen, this limited-edition shirt is currently on sale at TeeFury.
Move fast, though: the shirt disappears at midnight on Sunday (or whenever it sells out), and then it’s gone forever.
TeeFury specializes in “one new super limited-edition tee every 24 hours for $10,” featuring artwork by a variety of artists in a number of styles and genres. A quick look through their gallery shows work drawn from science fiction, video games, comics, geek culture, and more.
Looks like the Red Shirts get the last laugh this weekend!
Buy The Walking Red today at TeeFury.

April 22, 2012 at 12:25 pm
Ensign Charles
April 22, 2012 at 1:30 pm
Just bought one!