If you’ve ever wanted to mash-up your passion for Star Trek with your your artistic skills, “Glue Guns and Phasers” is right up your alley.
Hosted by Mary “Televixen” Czerwinski and Brandi Clark, the first episode of “Glue Guns and Phasers” will teach you how to create your very own Star Trek Scrabble tile charm adorned with an image of Kirk or Spock’s face.
Episode description.
In the first episode of “Glue Guns and Phasers,” hosts Mary Czerwinski and Brandi Clark show you how to make your very own Scrabble tile charm. It can be worn as a necklace, a pin or made into magnets! This is an “Ensign Level” mission (easy).
Watch the first episode below.
You can follow the “Glue Guns and Phasers” girls on Twitter at @gluegunsphasers.

Sioux City Sharon
June 5, 2012 at 12:55 pm
I love this!
June 7, 2012 at 1:10 pm
Fun, friendly and engaging hosts help propel this DYI video above the rest, and of course the Trek theme is frosting on the cake. A good start to what I hope will be long series. Can’t wait to see the next one.