On Tuesday, in coordination with their E3 hype, video game publisher NAMCO BANDAI released several photos of the upcoming Star Trek video game through a new website, to promote the 2013 release.
As we previously reported, the game will be set in the new (J.J. Abrams) timeline and will allow gamers to play as either Kirk or Spock.
Today, we’ve learned that both Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto will voice their respective characters and that the game’s villain will be none other than the iconic Gorn — Kirk’s nemesis, first featured in the classic Star Trek episode “Arena.”
“The Gorn are among the most iconic villains in the Star Trek universe and their role in this game certainly lives up to that persona,” said Paramount Senior Vice President and lead game producer Brian Miller. “Kirk and Spock find themselves in an incredibly challenging amount of mayhem as they confront the Gorn throughout the game.”
The co-op game is being developed by Ontario-based Digital Extremes (BioShock 2, The Darkness II) and will be available for PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 early next year.
Check out the photos and full press release below.
Watch the teaser trailer below.
Press Release:
Legendary Lizard-like “Gorn” Set to Battle Kirk and Spock in Ultimate Co-op Gaming Experience
Scheduled to Release in Early 2013
LOS ANGELES, CA (June 5, 2012) – Paramount Pictures and leading video game publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. today gave fans the first look at the key villain to be featured in the upcoming Star Trek™ video game inspired by J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek (2009) film reboot. The announcement made at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), revealed that a legendary lizard-like race known in Trek lore as “The Gorn” will play the destructive and villainous role in the video game releasing in early 2013. The co-op game is based on a standalone storyline that continues the adventure of iconic characters Captain James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock as they work together to stop the Gorn, an enemy race bent on conquering the galaxy.
“The Gorn are among the most iconic villains in the Star Trek universe and their role in this game certainly lives up to that persona,” said Brian Miller, Senior Vice President at Paramount Pictures and Lead Game Producer. “Kirk and Spock find themselves in an incredibly challenging amount of mayhem as they confront the Gorn throughout the game.”
More than just lizard-skinned foes, the Gorn are a blood-thirsty race determined to conquer the galaxy. A true military dictatorship, the Gorn are made up of billions of self-sacrificing warriors across thousands of colonies, each focused on the conquest of alien races. By utilizing their chaos-causing infectious venom, the Gorn seed mayhem and destruction as they destroy populations and deplete planets of their resources.
“Great villains give our favorite characters a chance to become heroes in the process of attempting to eliminate a powerful threat, and Star Trek fans have been eagerly anticipating the moment when the antagonists of the game would be revealed,” said Carlson Choi, VP of Marketing at NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. “This is one of those moments and we couldn’t be more excited to give gamers a glimpse at the challenges that lie ahead for Kirk and Spock.”
The Gorn range in size and abilities, infecting their foes with venom that can poison, cause hallucinations, and even kill. From the smaller infantry Gorn Rushers, to the larger Gorn Warriors and the massive Gorn Brutes, the Gorn provides a serious direct threat, while the wall-climbing Gorn females showcase the cunning for which this race is feared. Technologically capable and possessing the antithesis of Federation ideals, the Gorn pose a devastating threat to Starfleet, the Enterprise, and its crew.
With a storyline occurring after the events of J.J. Abram’s 2009 Star Trek reboot, the Star Trek video game puts players in the shoes of seminal heroes Captain James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock, inviting them to work together to take on the ferocious Gorn in this epic action adventure. Built from the ground up as the ultimate co-op experience, players are set on a journey of immense proportions across unexplored planets and enemy battleships with the latest 23rd century weapons and gear. Kirk and Spock’s complementary personalities result in the most fully realized and varied co-op experience for this console generation.
Under a license from CBS Consumer Products, the game is being developed by Ontario-based developer Digital Extremes (Bioshock 2, Unreal Tournament, Dark Sector, The Darkness II) with production being overseen by Paramount Pictures and a scheduled release in early 2013 for Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Windows PC.
Attendees of E3 at the Los Angeles Convention Center June 5-7 can see a live demonstration of the Star Trek game and take photos in the Enterprise captain’s chair at the NAMCO BANDAI Games Booth # 1637 (located in the South Hall).
For more information on the Star Trek video game, please visit www.startrekgame.com and follow the game on Twitter at www.twitter.com/star_trek_game.
For more information about NAMCO BANDAI Games, please visit https://www.namcobandaigames.com.
BONUS: Watch Kirk battle the original Gorn in “Arena” below.

Jason K.
June 5, 2012 at 11:53 pm
The Gorn, really?
Old Trekker
June 6, 2012 at 12:33 pm
I’m admittedly not much of a gamer, but this looks pretty cool.