Chris Pine, who reprises his role as the new Captain James T. Kirk in next year’s Star Trek sequel, recently sat down with the Irish news outlet RTE to discuss the new film and some of the pressure he’s feeling leading up to it’s release.
”I probably feel the stakes are a bit bigger.” Pine admitted. “The first one, we didn’t have much to lose, because we didn’t have much to lose! It was either going to be a great big hot and surprise everybody, or it was going to fall the down the drain and no one would’ve thought twice about it.”
”And it just so happened it was pretty well received.” he continued. “So going into this one, I was so excited that we’d brought all these new fans to this franchise that I wanted to do my job to make sure they come back. And I also wanted to do justice to my fellow actors and to the writers, because it’s such a good story.”
Pine went on to tease a third film in the series. ”Knowing these guys, there’s always a way to make some more instalments. I’m sure they’ve built-in something, I’m just not smart enough to have seen it! But I’m sure there’s a way. What I do know from the start, in terms of structure, they’ve had an idea of where they want to take the whole thing, just like a television series. I’m very excited about Part 2.”
The Star Trek sequel, starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin, John Cho, Benedict Cumberbatch, Peter Weller, Bruce Greenwood and Alice Eve, will hit theaters on May 17, 2013.
via RTE

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