On Sunday night, William Shatner made a surprise appearance at the 85th annual Oscar Awards. Shatner, in full Captain Kirk uniform, appeared on the large onstage screen as host Seth MacFarlane kicked off the show.
“Enterprise to Dolby Theatre–come in Dolby Theatre. This is Captain James T. Kirk,” Shatner shouted as he made his first on-screen appearance as Kirk in almost 20-years.
Shatner told MacFarlane “I’ve come back in time from the 23rd century to stop you from destroying the Academy Awards.” He went on to read newspaper headlines from the future, including “Seth MacFarlane Worst Oscar Host Ever.”
The Captain Kirk uniform Shatner wore was last seen on screen in 1994’s Star Trek: Generations and had been on display at Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas until its closing in 2009.
Regardless of the situation, it was great to see Shatner back in Starfleet uniform once again.
Check out the clip below.
Video courtesy ABC.

Walter Hewitt
July 19, 2015 at 9:04 am
Shatner is like one of these immortal characters that is as large in real life as the character he made so famous and so accessible through Star Trek in all it’s incarnations. I was saddened by the passing of each of his on-screen (and in books) comrades… Scotty, McCoy…and most recently, Spock … and the lovely Yeoman Rand, who died in May of this year. Shatner seems both indomitable and indestructible. I love this guy. I hope it is a long time before we are saddened by yet another Star Trek icon beaming up one last time… Live Long and continue to Prosper, William Shatner.