On Wednesday, Paramount released a new TV spot to promote STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS. While it consists of some of the footage we’ve previously seen, the new spot contains a major spoiler — if you look closely.
Appearing at the 0:14 mark, this is a big reveal and a major spoiler. For those still interested, you can check it out below.
You have been warned.
UPDATE: The video has been pulled down by Paramount. If they re-release it, we’ll post it here.
STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS, starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin, John Cho, Benedict Cumberbatch, Peter Weller, Bruce Greenwood and Alice Eve, will be in IMAX, 3D and 2D theaters everywhere on May 16th.