Paramount has released box cover art for the forthcoming Blu-ray, and Blu-ray 3D versions of J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek into Darkness.
Set to be released on September 10, it has also been announced that the digital version will debut three weeks earlier on August 20th.
Blu-ray special features will include featurettes on Creating The Red Planet, Attack On Starfleet, The Klingon Home World, and a look at how Cumberbatch’s character was kept a secret.
Abrams recently discussed the film’s release with EW, saying:
“I’m thrilled with how everything looks and sounds,” Abrams said in a statement. “We also have some really fun behind-the-scenes special features that we shot on the Red [Epic cameras] and created entirely in-house at Bad Robot. They really look amazing and unlike anything I’ve seen on DVD or Blu-ray before.”
Take a look at the cover art below.
Which version will you buy? Tell us in the comments below.