As we look back on the year that was 2013–a year that included the theatrical release of Star Trek Into Darkness, several seasons of The Next Generation and Enterprise on Blu-ray, along with tons of new Star Trek related merchandise, we also look forward to 2014.
In the next year, we’ll see the final seasons of TNG and ENT released on Blu-ray, rumors and news will begin heating up surrounding the next feature film, several major conventions, the unveiling of more licensed merchandise, and much more.
In the last day, several Star Trek celebrities took to Twitter to wish their fans and social media followers a happy new year.
We at would like to join them in wishing you and yours a very healthy and prosperous 2014!
So let’s warp into 2014 and look for ways to heal wounds . LLAP
— Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) December 31, 2013
I’ve saved my 2,400th Tweet to say Happy 2014! May all of your resolutions be kept and your wishes be fulfilled.
— Nichelle Nichols (@RealNichelle) December 31, 2013
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
— Michael Dorn (@akaWorf) December 31, 2013
Happy New Year to all!
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) December 31, 2013
Auld Lang Syne #gogodididonyc @TwoPlaysInRep
— Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) December 31, 2013
New Years resolution: Get my act together and take it on the road. First stop, Portland!
— Brent Spiner (@BrentSpiner) December 30, 2013
A happy and healthy New Year to all.
— Marina Sirtis (@Marina_Sirtis) January 1, 2014
Good morning world. Happy New Year.x
— Simon Pegg (@simonpegg) January 1, 2014
Happy New Year! Here's to the future!
— Michael Okuda (@MikeOkuda) January 1, 2014
Happy New Year, PST!
— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) January 1, 2014
Happy New Year, sweet Tweeps! Here’s to an amazing 2014 for all of us. 🙂
— Jeri Ryan (@JeriLRyan) January 1, 2014
Happy New Year Everyone!
— Garrett Wang (@GarrettRWang) January 1, 2014
Wishing you all a happy and safe #NYE! #2014 #makeitso
— (@TrekNewsnet) December 31, 2013