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Six Things We’re Most Looking Forward To In 2017

Everything Star Trek Fans Can Look Forward To In 2017

2016 may have been an historic milestone in Star Trek history, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to look forward to in 2017! In fact, 2017 will be a momentous year for Star Trek in its own way, as not only are fans treated to numerous products worth a look, but the franchise will be getting a brand new television series, Star Trek: Discovery. Discovery will be the first time a new Star Trek will be on air since the final episode of Enterprise in 2005, so fans have been waiting a long time for this! is here to help lay out what to look forward to this year.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Deep Space Nine – The Complete Series On DVD

On February 7, fans of Deep Space Nine will be able to purchase a new DVD release of the entire series. This means all seven seasons of the show will be available in a single place, good news for fans without Netflix. While we don’t know for sure what bonus features will be available in this release, we expect features from previous DVD releases to make their way to this collection. These features include:

  • Deep Space Nine: A Bold New Beginning” featurette
  • “New Frontiers — The Story of Deep Space Nine” with Rick Berman, Michael Piller, Ira Steven Behr, and Robert Hewitt Wolfe
  • “The Birth of the Dominion and Beyond” with Ira Steven Behr
  • Two mini-documentaries looking at “Trials and Tribble-ations”
  • “Ending an Era” featurette, reflecting on the final season of the series
  • A multi-part feature looking at the aliens designed by FX artist Michael Westmore

Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager – The Complete Series On DVD

Exactly a month later on March 7, the new DVD collection of DS9 will be joined by a new Voyager release, great for fans who want to go back to the Delta Quadrant with Captain Janeway and crew. Likewise, we don’t know exactly what the bonus contents will be on this new boxset, but the 47-disc collection is sure to offer old and news fans alike plenty of material to satisfy their Voyager craving.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

In March, gamers will have a chance to join the crew of the U.S.S. Aegis in Ubisoft’s virtual reality game Star Trek: Bridge Crew. Utilizing the power of VR, players can assume the role of a bridge officer, either by themselves or with other players, as the Aegis attempts to find a new homeworld for Vulcans after the events of Star Trek (2009). Players can issue orders and interact with the ship’s consoles just like they’ve seen on television, and the game has been a hit at its convention appearances. All signs point to this being a successful Star Trek-based video game, something that isn’t too common in Star Trek history. Bridge Crew will be released on the Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, and the HTC Vive.

Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery Launches

May will be the month every Star Trek fan has been waiting for. While no specific date has been announced, Star Trek: Discovery will premiere on CBS and its streaming service, CBS All Access. Set before The Original Series, Discovery will help fill the gap in the Prime Universe between Enterprise and the adventures of Kirk and Spock. Among the few details thus far announced is the casting of Sonequa Martin-Green as the series’ lead, known only as “Number One” so far.  Martin-Green joins Doug Jones, Anthony Rapp, and Michelle Yeoh on Discovery, and the behind-the-scenes talent is equally promising. So, look forward to the launch of the U.S.S. Discovery in May, as Star Trek ventures into its sixth live-action television series. Stay tuned to TrekNews for the latest information regarding Discovery.

Star Trek Las Vegas

Las Vegas Star Trek Convention

Speaking of which, this year’s Star Trek convention in Las Vegas is sure to be a big one. On August 2-6, thousands of fans will congregate in Las Vegas for an epic Star Trek experience. 34 guests have already been announced, including many cast members from The Next Generation and The Original Series, and more are sure to follow. To stay updated on all the news about the convention, go to its website, and start planning for what is sure to be the biggest Star Trek convention of the year!

Star Trek: The Next Generation

TNG’s 30th Anniversary

While The Original Series celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, The Next Generation will celebrate its own milestone in 2017. On September 28, it will be 30 years since TNG debuted. On that day, Star Trek fans were treated to the somewhat rocky beginning of arguably the most popular Star Trek series.  Memorable characters, such as Captain Picard, Will Riker, Data, Worf, and the rest of the cast first appeared in the show’s pilot, “Encounter at Fairpoint.” The show would continue for seven years, followed by four movies. While the last The Next Generation outing appeared in 2002, the TNG cast have been regulars at conventions worldwide. While Paramount or CBS have not announced any special events commemorating the occasion, we bet there will be something planned at this year’s Las Vegas convention.

Did we miss something to look forward in 2017? Have you already started planning for the Las Vegas convention? Have you demoed Star Trek: Bridge Crew and plan to buy it? Tell us in the comments! 2017 is sure to be a year to remember!

Written By

Kyle Hadyniak has been a lifelong Star Trek fan, and isn't ashamed to admit that Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek: Nemesis are his favorite Star Trek movies. You can follow Kyle on Twitter @khady93.



  1. Gor

    January 10, 2017 at 1:31 pm

    If Axanar gets canned it sours all ST for me

    • BobOne

      January 10, 2017 at 4:54 pm

      Seriously? Why? You must not like ST very much if one thing like that can ruin it for you.

    • Pipper

      January 11, 2017 at 8:39 am

      Axanar creator clearly wants to control or hijack A story line and slanted toward Pentagon centric and away from NASA centric star trek base. Guess all the billions of ciran wraped U.S. dollars handed out in Iraq would eventually show up in Hollywood hun??

    • Arron Ratcliff

      January 11, 2017 at 10:35 am

      So because CBS/Paramount wont allow some one to steal from them and profit off of it that ruins all Star Trek for you? Dude if cursing you out wouldn’t get me banned I’d hurl every curse word and insult my grand dad taught me at you.Those “folks” at Axanar stole some one elses idea then used it to con money out of fans of star trek then proceeded to spend all one point four million of it on any thing and every thing but the movie it was supposed to be used on.I will not be surprised at all if the IRS starts taking a look at Axanars books by the time this lawsuit is over.

  2. DS9 is King

    January 10, 2017 at 8:24 pm

    I am excited for DS9 collection coming out I am most definitely getting it when it comes this February 7th, Star Trek Deep Space 9 was the Best Star Trek series better then That Politically Correct TNG and Better then Voyager. Star Trek Deep Space 9 was the opposite of TNG Deep Space Nine was telling a nuanced, dark, diverse, morally-ambiguous, serialized story about war, religion, and prejudice. (#RonaldDMoore) and people like to point out that TNG had the highest ratings of any Star Trek TV series while DS9 had the lowest, to which I respond well of course TNG had the highest ratings for starters it was the first Star Trek TV series in 18 years people were Hungry for Star Trek. Secondly TNG pulled in the Family Demographic it was a Family Show very Politically Correct and very Shy when it came to Action and Violence, DS9 ignored the Fans and made DS9 Darker Grittier morally-ambiguous it told a Story of War and Prejudice the TNG Fans did not like that so they complained and the Creators of DS9 gave them the finger and that is why DS9 is better then TNG.

  3. LordReserei

    January 10, 2017 at 8:43 pm

    I’m still a little salty about ST: Bridge Crew only being a VR game. I guess I’ll have to continue playing ST: Bridge Commander for that kind of fix.

    • JP Cardin

      January 11, 2017 at 12:15 am

      Check out Pulsar Lost Colony on PC or Artemis Bridge Simulator also 🙂

  4. trytoseeitmyway

    January 10, 2017 at 11:49 pm

    With STD on the list, “look forward to” acquires an ironic meaning. I’m hoping it doesn’t turn out to be the cluster fail that every indicator implies. I guess I can “look forward to” the premiere, in the hope that the indications are misleading. Otherwise, it’s like looking forward to a bridge collapse.

    • Wayne Burman

      January 11, 2017 at 1:05 am

      ‘every indicator’?

      The casting looks great. They have some fantastic creatives working on it and they wanted a little longer to get it right.

      All sounds positive to me.

      Relax, it’s gonna be great. Unless of course you have already made up your mind.

  5. Thomas Hudgins

    January 17, 2017 at 11:04 am

    CBS / Paramount have lost my support for anything Star Trek. I have my DVDs of all the Star Trek up to but not including the JJverse. That’s it for me. They’re lack of support for the fans that lined there pockets all these years has turned my stomach. Star Trek to them is nothing but a “cash cow”. Nothing more, Nothing less. When it stops giving milk, they will sell it off. Until then my money stays in my pocket.

    • AD Purvis

      January 17, 2017 at 5:49 pm

      Point of note, Roddenberry sold them the rights to Trek way back when for the money.. So it’s always about the money.

      Also, FYI, this is a business. The whole point of it IS to make money.

      • Thomas Hudgins

        January 18, 2017 at 10:41 am

        Old news.

        • summoner2100

          January 18, 2017 at 1:52 pm

          No crap, but you were the one complaining about it being a “cash cow” and nothing else. I was pointing out that it’s always been that way.

  6. Joe

    February 16, 2017 at 10:09 pm

    I laugh at some of the pro-CBS and Paramount trolls. Makes you wonder if they are even Trek fans. They pretend that a well done steak, ordered medium rare, should suffice anyways because it’s a steak. These trolls insist that Paramount owns the rights to Star Trek (and they do), and so we fans should not complain when our steak is not the way we ordered. Now I’m not too familiar with this Axanar stuff, although I did take a gander at it. I wasn’t interested in it, so I’m not sure what the hubub is all about there. But I loved Star Trek Continues and New Voyages because us older Trek geeks could still live in the days of Kirk and crew, and more importantly, the iconic USS Enterprise (original Enterprise). Sure ships change, younger generations fall in love with newer ideas. But there’s nothing wrong with us older Trek Fans wanting to see our older universe. And if that came in the form of fan made films, free of charge and reportedly non-profit, then Paramount complaining about it is just flat out childish. Rather than stopping producers of fan-films, why not hire them for creating official Trek films using their ideas? Seems logical to me. Isn’t part of owning a business conducting research on what customers want? But noooo! They were too interested in turning Trek into some main-stream Flash Gordon film where everything is a freaking combat zone, with a captain treating the Enterprise as a dragster! Look, I’m not complaining, so any of you pro-CBS and Paramount supporters can just go FuYS! I’m not here to appease you, and I don’t gave a RA about you. I’ve supported Trek for more than 40 years, and I love the new digital effects of the original series. And I will give this new CBS release a chance (at least the first pilot episode). But sorry if you expect me to pay $7 bucks a month. Sure that’s not much; I understand. But I will only support something that answers my desires, and is served the way I ordered it. If not, then either take the steak back, or I will never seek your business again. You pissed me off bad enough with the JJ universe with the, “This isn’t your dads Trek!” crap! Well this “dad” would gladly kick your teeth in for slapping true fans in the face with that BS! I hope the New Voyages and Continues crew continues their work. And if that means they need to make changes to the name/title, and even use different crew names and ship name, then so be it! And if that makes you kick and scream, then perhaps you should give up on Trek all together. Because you sure as shiTE don’t know what the hell you are doing!

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