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13 Things You May Have Missed In The Latest ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Trailer

13 Things You May Have Missed In The Latest 'Star Trek: Discovery' Trailer

There are a few things you may have missed in the latest Discovery trailer.

A new trailer for Star Trek: Discovery premiered at San Diego Comic-Con and with it came lots and lots of speculation. Here are 13 things we learned from the latest footage — some of which even eagle-eyed Trekkies may have missed:

1. Other Starfleet Ships in a Battle?

Early in the trailer, as Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) is heard saying “All life is born from chaos,” we see the U.S.S. Europa presumably getting destroyed. It’s unclear whether this happens early on in the show, perhaps serving as an inciting incident for the Shenzhou’s involvement, or from the resulting war (more on that later). The same ship appears to show up again at the 1:44 mark.

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

2. Michael Burnham Survives

We see Burnham wake up in a section of the ship protected by force-fields (It doesn’t look like an escape pod, those can be seen at the 2:14 mark, but rather an emergency, makeshift life-saving measure). Could this be the destruction of the Starship Shenzhou?

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

3. Graffiti is Cool Now?

It doesn’t seem very Starfleet-like to burn your insignia into the side of a planet, but that appears to be what the Shenzhou did to this desert world.

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

4. Klingons Are In Disarray

Sarek (James Frain) is heard telling Burnham that, “The Klingon Empire has been in disarray for generations.” Last we saw the Klingons in Star Trek: Enterprise they were dealing with the effects of the augment virus and the creation of the smooth-headed Klingons. This may be this is the disarray of which Sarek speaks.

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

5. The Klingon Ships

This trailer gives us our first glimpses of Klingon ships. Much like the Klingon makeup and costumes, they all look to be newly designed for Discovery, though the one seen at around the 49-second mark looks to have the same basic ship as the Klingon D7 battlecruisers from the original series. And, apparently, they can land now (the 37-second mark).

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

6. Klingons Still Speak English?

Despite word out of SDCC that Klingons will speak their native tongue with subtitles on the show, the only Klingon we hear speak in this trailer does so in English. Perhaps they only do this when speaking to Federation members?

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

7. Evil Plants?

At the 56-second mark, Burnham enters a cargo bay or some other storage area with a lot of the same type of plant in it with a surprised yet frightened look on her face. Maybe Mudd’s cargo?

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

8. There’s New Way to Fly

Right before we see the Discovery go into warp (which looks really cool) we see Captain Lorca (Jason Isaacs) saying, “We are creating a new way to fly.” Perhaps this means the Discovery is powered by some new type of drive technology?

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

9. Menacing Mudd

Let’s be honest: Harry Mudd in TOS never really gave Kirk et al. a run for their money. Sure, he was a hindrance, but that was about it. In just two lines from Rainn Wilson’s Mudd, he seems more sinister and menacing than his counterpart ever was.

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

10. Burnham: A Warmonger?

Towards the end of the trailer, Captain Lorca says to Burnham, “You helped start a war. Don’t you want to help me end it?” Based on the last trailer, Burnham at one point steps up and fights a Klingon one-on-one. Somewhere in all that, it seems as if something she or someone else on the Shenzhou did rub the Klingons the wrong way and a war breaks out.

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

11. Jefferies Tubes are Back!

It wouldn’t be Star Trek without someone crawling around in the Jefferies Tubes.

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

12. Flashbacks!

At SDCC we learned that Burnham is Spock’s adopted sister and was raised on Vulcan by Sarek and Amanda. There was a brief shot of young Burnham in the previous trailer, and here we get two more: one at the 1:36 mark as Sarek approaches and looks to be rescuing an unconscious Burnham, and another at the, very briefly, at around the 2:13 mark, with what looks to be a mind-meld being performed on Burnham. This all suggests at flashbacks might be prevalent throughout the show.

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

13. Burnham’s Fight Doesn’t Go So Well

The trailer ends, ominously, with Burnham in her space suit adrift in space with a cracked helmet. We know from the last trailer that she wears that helmet when fighting a Klingon one-on-one. Looks like the Klingons won.

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

13 Things We Learned from the Latest 'Discovery' Trailer

The cast of Star Trek: Discovery includes Michelle Yeoh (Captain Philippa Georgiou) Jason Isaacs (Captain Gabriel Lorca), Sonequa Martin-Green (First Officer Michael Burnham), Chris Obi (T’Kuvma), Doug Jones (Lt. Saru), James Frain (Sarek), and Shazad Latif (Kol), Anthony Rapp (Lt. Stamets), Wilson Cruz (Dr. Hugh Culber), Sam Vartholomeos (Ensign Connor), Mary Wiseman (Cadet Tilly), Mary Chieffo (L’Rell) and Rainn Wilson (Harry Mudd). is your dedicated source for all the latest news on Star Trek: Discovery. Follow @TrekNewsnet on Twitter, TrekNews on Facebook, @TrekNews on Instagram and TrekNewsnet on YouTube.

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Written By

Andrew Cardinale is from a Boston suburb where he works in IT. When he's not doing something Star Trek related, he writes, follows local sports and listens to far too many podcasts. You can follow Andrew on Twitter @acardi.



  1. Greg K Nicholson

    July 26, 2017 at 6:53 am

    The Shenzhou didn’t burn the arrowhead into the planet. Burnham and Georgiou scuffed the sand with their feet to make a distress sign, so the ship can find them from orbit.

    • ZOD

      July 26, 2017 at 9:59 am

      Yeah, that’s my take too. It’s actually a pretty cool idea.

    • Matineer

      July 26, 2017 at 6:28 pm

      Kirk did that in one of comics — Marvel or DC, not the Gold Key.

  2. s47

    July 26, 2017 at 8:00 am

    The “evil plants” looks like a lot of weed…..

  3. Bernd Schneider

    July 26, 2017 at 8:52 am

    My thoughts on the points in the trailer:

    1. The USS Europa is a crappy a 24th century design, totally uninspiring just as the Shenzhou. These ships are so damn fugly and so utterly anachronistic that I feel sorry I ever criticized the Akiraprise. Even the Abrams films had reasonably old looking ships besides the Ennterprise.

    2. I doubt this is a makeshift forcefield but rather one that was specifically designed to act as an emergency forcefield (it’s still a miracle that it survived whatever happened to the ship!). Well, B’Elanna will create perfectly flat makeshift forcefields in the 24th century though (which is a miracle as well).

    3. I agree with the other comment. It was created by Burnham and Georgiou as a distress sign.

    4. “Klingons in disarray” can hardly refer to the genetic change in Enterprise, as Discovery totally abandons the visual continuity. You can’t cite something that you are totally unwilling to show, can you?

    5. These “Klingon” ships are a total abomination. They look like “Borg meets Lexx”, if anything.

    6. It would be wise to let the “Klingons” speak Klingon, because otherwise nothing about them is Klingon. But I don’t care any longer. I have written off the “Klingons”.

    7. Hey, here’s one thing about the trailer that looks interesting!

    8. The “new way to fly” sounds almost like a threat. It’s either something pathetic like Voyager’s drives of the week. Or the new drive is yet another anti-canon reference. Or a lame justification why the Discovery is so ugly.

    9. Character reboot: Mudd was a cheat and a thief in the original universe, never a mad villain.

    10. This most likely refers to “Starfleet doesn’t shoot first” on the Shenzhou bridge and to Burnham probably having noble goals why she started the fight.

    11. Good. Although it has hardly anything to do with “continuity”.

    12. I hope there will be only occasional flashbacks.

    13. Poor Burnham. Floating through space in a damaged spacesuit, then floating through space in something only protected by forcefields. Looks like a theme of Discovery.

  4. GeorgiaCarolina

    July 26, 2017 at 9:29 am

    Even the most cynical viewer of this trailer can tell the starfleet delta is a distress signal Burnham and Georgiou created with their feet as they are walking on the desert planet. It is not graffiti that Starfleet is now burning into planets. Sometimes there are things written on this site that are so obviously wrong, I do not understand it. Like the “analysis” of the teaser trailer that did not even show the Discovery, but the article kept referring to the Discovery breaking through there clouds.

  5. ZOD

    July 26, 2017 at 9:54 am

    “Captain, I’m sure that I’ve mentioned my human sister before.” Spock said this as he, Kirk and McCoy sat in the prison cell his long lost brother placed them in.

    • sherry wallis

      October 30, 2017 at 10:58 pm

      I don’t remember this at all. Going to check.

    • sherry wallis

      October 31, 2017 at 3:46 pm

      I just checked the movie, and this isan’t part of the diaglog

      • ZOD

        October 31, 2017 at 5:07 pm

        Maybe it’s only in the direcor’s cut. You know, the version where Spock talks about interstellar mind melds.

        • sherry wallis

          October 31, 2017 at 8:33 pm

          where would you have seen the directors cut?

          • ZOD

            November 1, 2017 at 11:54 am

            OK wait. We’re both still Joking… Right?

  6. Psofios

    July 26, 2017 at 2:44 pm

    Well we have TOS, STNG, DS9, Voy, Ente … And now we have STD !!!
    Thank you Star Trek for trying to make as cool 😛 😛 😛

  7. Zak Higgins

    July 26, 2017 at 4:43 pm

    Idk, the Klingons really don’t look much more different from the last few series. They look like as updated in the face as I would’ve imagined, the only real different thing I can tell is their uniforms and it appears they have shaved heads. If you were to shave any of the klingon’s hair from TNG, I’m not sure they would really look much different. Especially comparing the one Klingon closeup photo you have here in this article.

  8. David Zane Taylor

    July 30, 2017 at 6:45 pm

    My take on photo 2 was that she wasn’t protected by force-fields, but that it was, a prisoner cell. The captain does say she’s responsible for starting a war, so I took it that she was in trouble for something she did. I’m still holding to my theory that the action on this show is going to take place between two different time periods, perhaps 5 or 10 years apart. Just my guess. We shall see.

  9. Yan Moura

    July 31, 2017 at 9:11 am

    I have been waiting for a new ST series for years but the new trailer left a meh taste in my mouth (the previous teasers catch more my interest). I am not saying that it won’t be a cool show it is just that I am a bit disappointed because from what I have seen it doesn’t look to be too much different from Dark Matter, Killjoys and other ordinary stuff that has been broadcast around lately… After over a sabbatical decade I honestly was expecting that a release labeled as Star Trek was going to be something too much better than this…

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