In news that will surprise almost no one, the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery on Sunday was responsible for CBS All Access’ largest sign-up day, since the service launched in 2014. In addition to the record-breaking day, the over-the-top digital subscription service also experienced its best week and month ever for sign-ups, credited to the launch of the new Star Trek series.
While the premiere episode of Star Trek: Discovery was shown on CBS, the second episode (and all subsequent episodes) along with the post-show After Trek, is only available via the CBS All Access service in the United States.
According to a press release issued by CBS, the previous record for single-day sign-ups was credited to the GRAMMY Awards, earlier this year.
Exact sign-up numbers were not made public.
Full press release below.
The Launch of CBS All Access’ Latest Original Series Drove Not Only the Largest Subscriber Sign-Up Day But Also Largest Week and Month Ever for the Service
NEW YORK – Sept. 24, 2017 – Tonight’s premiere of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY on CBS All Access, the CBS Television Network’s digital subscription video on demand and live streaming service, broke a new record for subscriber sign-ups in a single day, eclipsing the previous record held by the 2017 GRAMMY Awards®.
Episodes one and two of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY are currently available to stream on CBS All Access. All new episodes will be available on demand weekly after 8:30 PM, ET on Sundays exclusively for CBS All Access subscribers in the U.S.
In addition to its single day subscriber sign-up record, CBS All Access experienced its best week and month ever for sign-ups due to the launch of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY, the fall kick-off of the NFL ON CBS on the service’s live local feeds and the season finale of BIG BROTHER and the BIG BROTHER LIVE FEEDS.
CBS All Access will continue to engage “Star Trek” fans tonight with the inaugural episode of AFTER TREK, STAR TREK: DISCOVERY’s live companion after-show hosted by Matt Mira airing at 11:00 PM, ET/8:00 PM, PT. All subsequent AFTER TREK episodes will be available to stream live at 9:30 PM, ET following new episodes of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY and be available to watch on demand. is your dedicated source for all the latest news on Star Trek: Discovery. Follow @TrekNewsnet on Twitter, TrekNews on Facebook, @TrekNews on Instagram and TrekNewsnet on YouTube.
Try CBS All Access for Free
Interested in signing up for CBS All Access to check out Star Trek: Discovery for yourself? Click here to receive one-week free.
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John Capes
September 25, 2017 at 12:08 am
They had that press release ready before the show ever aired. At best the show is mediocre, at worst it is totally off target to what makes Trek….Trek. CBS will enjoy a subscription spike but will it be enough to cover $8 million an episode? Not for long I think…
September 25, 2017 at 12:17 am
You may not know but it’s the rest of the world who’s paid for the vast majority of Star Trek : Discovery via Netflix. The cash they got from Netflix was so much so it paid for the entire season 1 before any of it was broadcast. There’s a whole world outside of CBS and USA. As far as if it’s real Trek or not, I’ve not seen it yet and it does worry me as I’m a traditionalist in that regard.
John Capes
September 25, 2017 at 1:11 am
Good points and no I didn’t know that they had fleeced Netflix that well.
I’m not disturbed by it as much as I am disappointed. There was a TOS episode called The Squire of Gothos wherein Trelane was an omnipotent alien who had created a table of food that looked to be a feast…..but it had no flavor scent or taste…and for me that is Discovery (or STD for short). 🙂 In anycase I think they missed.
September 25, 2017 at 3:25 pm
Remember when TNG came out it took fans a bit to catch on the ones that were like “is this really going to work ” then DS9 and same thing went for Voyager, and I know it happen for Enterprise, my point being is all the series have had fans say exactly what you have said and it turned out alright in the end everyone has there favorite series.
John Capes
September 25, 2017 at 7:47 pm
I wish it was that easy. I was around back then and remember it well. I was enthusiastic each time and always rooted for them.The difference now is in how CBS announced everything from casting to setting. It’s way beyond differences of opinion, it’s hiding behind virtue casting and Social Justice an not about story content, writing, true character development not just preaching diversity in every interview. Heck It should be called Star Trek Diversity…not discovery. We had diversity in Star Trek 50 years ago. It has grown as we have as a society. Also after watching the first hour I wasn’t terribly impressed with the story telling.
(Roc) Wayne Alford
September 25, 2017 at 12:15 am
Cannot wait until next week, riveted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The show was totally unique and new, no more old Trek regurgitation but a real adult show.
Old trekkies that dont like it and children should stick with Orville it can be the kiddie version of star Trek.
September 25, 2017 at 12:21 am
You mean the people that supported the franchise for 51 years and made Star Trek the most successful TV franchise in history?. Or do you mean the very transient JJ Abrams audience who have already got bored after 3 movies? So because it uses a few swear words and isn’t as utopian as before it’s adult? Sorry, your comment is utterly ridiculous, childish and totally ignorant of everything to do with Trek and storytelling.
Theresa shively
September 25, 2017 at 5:31 am
Please don’t mention that mans name he ruined star trek for me. As for the show last night I’m still trying to figure out those Klingons.on still on the fence with this show.
September 25, 2017 at 3:32 pm
that is only one “house” of the Klingons I doubt all of them look this way if they do that is what will kill this show not staying true to the show.
September 25, 2017 at 3:32 pm
jj was trying to appease the millenials of the day it did not work for applebees either. for the ones that cannot except change those trek fans will not like anything new the rest of us will take time but we will take for what it is, hopefully this trek has the same feel for things going on around the world you can feel that thru star trek I hope this one is the same.
Mark McKarrion
September 25, 2017 at 6:13 am
THIS is the kiddie version of Star Trek. All ‘splosions and lensflares and shallow dialogue, designed for the less educated, superficial Millennial generation. This thing will fail after a single season. The “old Trekkies” like me are responsible for there being a Star Trek IP today. We are the ones who resurrected it from TOS decades ago, who were the audience the first 11 movies were made for, and the reason there was a TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise. 51 years of history. Your new Discovery thing is not even a month old. You really do not have much relevance as an audience if you are praising Discovery.
September 25, 2017 at 12:59 am
So they say the signups are a record but won’t disclose the numbers? I mean, I can believe there were record signups but who knows how big that really is?
Mark McKarrion
September 25, 2017 at 6:14 am
I believe the signups were like what I did. I signed up to get the first two days free to watch Star trek Discovery, but after I watched both the available episodes, I immedictaly canceled, after having joined only two hours earlier. Let’s see THOSE stats, shall we?
September 25, 2017 at 1:10 am
Just saw the show. Random thoughts:
The show was OK. The Klingons can barely move & don’t look any better — just different.
The Star Fleet uniforms are goofy. Just straight up Zap Brannigan.
The main character is likable. I also like the science officer.
The FX are very hit or miss.
The credit sequence is cool.
The show makes very little sense in terms of continuity with what came before.
The Klingon plot was a bit vague — as was the federation response (including the twist).
Apparently Spock has yet another long lost sibling that was never mentioned.
John Capes
September 25, 2017 at 1:15 am
I look forward to getting past all of the planted/paid for reviews I have read on various forums in a few weeks to see what opinion holds up at that point. I really would like for it to be successful but I am very disappointed in what I have seen thus far and all of the “virtue casting” I have read ad-nauseum.
September 25, 2017 at 5:51 am
I do wonder who was paying for All Access before they could get STD. What would have been the purpose of that? You can certainly argue that STD isn’t a good reason to buy the service, but its just about the only one CBS has given anyone. Therefor, it is not surprising that this was their biggest bump.
Mark McKarrion
September 25, 2017 at 6:09 am
All the spinning for this show happening on Facebook and on certain media sites is baffling. The show totally sucks! There is literally nothing Trek about it, it’s too dark, too different, and really has no chance of success. But we knew that the moment they showed us those ridiculous Klingons and the dumb Discovery ship design. The show was even worse than I imagined it would be. Sure, people signed up for All Access to watch the show, but let’s see the stats on how many canceled? How about stats on how many canceled less than 48 hours after joining?
Arron Ratcliff
September 25, 2017 at 10:43 am
I’ll be honest if they had unlocked/uploaded the first half of the season. instead of doing this stupid weekly release I’d have canceled my subscription after binge watching it. I really am unsure if i’ll keep watching this series parts of last nights episodes were so hit and miss with me.
September 25, 2017 at 1:39 pm
The new signups have 1 free week of service (or 2 days without commercials). I wonder if CBS is counting the chickens before they hatch.
I wonder how many will have paid for a subscription by this time next week. I’m thinking I’ll wait until next week or so to activate my free subscription and maybe be able to see 2-3 episodes before having to decide if it’s worth it. Hopefully we can see why this show might be important to Star Trek lore by then.