Stage 9, the project that aimed to offer a highly-detailed, explorable Enterprise-D, has been shut down by a cease and desist order from CBS Studios.
The team behind Stage 9 made the announcement on Twitter on September 25.
An update.
On Wednesday 12th Sep we received a Cease and Desist from CBS requiring us to cease development.
We'll be making a longer statement on Discord shortly. We hope you enjoyed Stage 9 while it lasted!
From all the team, Live long and prosper.
— Stage 9 – Enterprise-D Recreation Project (@Stage9TNG) September 25, 2018
“All of us in the Stage 9 development team are saddened that the project has come to this unfortunate end,” said developer Rob Bryan. “We were more than happy to work with CBS to make any changes that they would have asked for. For the team, we plan to start work on something new and exciting soon, something that feels true to what we were already building.” took a look at the Stage 9 project in August, and we thought it was an impressive fan recreation of one of Star Trek’s most famous ships. The project had a bright future ahead of it, with many developers volunteering their time and technical expertise to make the project as authentic as possible.
We’ll update this story as more information becomes available.
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dont have one
August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm
what the hell is wrong with CBS? It seems to me that recently, their stupidity has reached an all new low. There have been some fascinating and well put together fan projects that last few years that CBS has shut down. Why haven’t they applauded the fan effort and joined forces to improve those products? Instead, and I firmly believe, they are embarrassed that fan quality of Star Trek has been better then some of the muck they have been releasing. Projects like Axanar and Stage 9 – Enterprise-D Recreation Project were just 2 projects i would have loved to see completed. Look at Star Trek Online, television shows and movies, some of the choices concerning these CBS approved outings are going downhill or were crap from the start. At this rate, can Star Trek survive the stupidity of the powers that be?
August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm
A corporation has 3 base options whenever this happens, and it happens soooo much with any intellectual property.
“this happens” = independent fan/non-licensee creation that objectively *exceeds the quality* of product that the IP holder produces themselves
1. Leave it alone and let it be because it’s probably harmless and only increases consumer affection for the IP.
2. Shut it down completely with legal threats.
3. Embrace it… hire the talent… further develop the product if it’s awesome.
Most corporations choose option 2. Sometimes option 1 depending. Is there ANY examples of 3?
I own Star Trek Bridge Crew VR for my Oculus. And it’s a semi-decent game at best and the graphics suuuuuuuuuck compared to Stage 9’s work. So this is what boggles my mind if I’m an IP holder…
A Floyd
August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm
Ignore the C&D, claim it doesn’t apply here.
August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm
I can see CBS’s argument for Axanar since those guys were obviously raking in some money to support the development.
As far as I know the Stage 9 project was completely unpaid volunteers, right?
Unless CBS is going to build their own explorable ship and release it as a new improved ST:TNG Technical Manual or something, then I agree with others here that CBS took it too far this time.
August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm
This really is a shame.
CBS just showed that they never understood Star Trek and its fans at all.
Gen. Chang
August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm
Here is a far better, more information write-up on this, with audio from creator at the end, and a YouTube video of the creation, with a walk through. Quite amazing what they accomplished.
August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm
Stage 9 was a labor of love, a beautiful creation made purely for the joy of making it. Like all gorgeous things made for no money, it was destined to be stepped on by bullies with nothing better to do with their petty little lives.
August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm
It’s just unbelievable that cbs is seeing the project as an enemy instead as a friend! It’s such a homage to the show with so much love for detail. I will cancel my account on cbs all access now because I will not support them anymore either.
August 22, 2019 at 8:31 pm
CBS! Caretakers of the Star Trek franchise!!
You appear to be out of touch with what it is Star Trek fans want. You could have commissioned the creation of something like the Stage Nine project years ago and we the fans would have paid good money to own it… But you lacked either the foresight, the awareness or the inclination to make it happen. So when members of the creative talent that exists amongst the fan base (from all over the world!) stepped up and pursued the creation of something truly wonderful, rather than congratulate that team, praise them and offer your support, you flexed your corporate muscles, waved your rights of ownership in their faces and shut them down, immediately, unconditionally and absent any attempt at negotiation to meet in the middle. – 3 Years of highly motivated creativity… All gone!
The quality of work from this small group of HOBBYISTS was fantastic and you killed it… It’s ironic that a corporation that applies so much effort, time, resources and money in the pursuit of creative endeavours should be singularly instrumental in the shutting down of one of the most unique creative projects of its time. You should have been looking into avenues that would have advanced their art, not destroy it!
It is my sincerest wish that you will re-evaluate your motives and reconsider your approach to handling this situation. Establish and sustain a dialogue with the team behind the Stage Nine project; green light the project’s resurrection and support the team’s efforts to realise the project’s potential. Please!