Marina Sirtis, Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s telepathic ship counselor Deanna Troi, recently confirmed with us her interest in being a contestant on an upcoming season of ABC’s hit reality television show Dancing With The Stars.
“I’ve been trying to get on Dancing With The Stars for the past 2 years as it’s one of my favorite shows,” Sirtis told “it’s time Star Trek was represented [on the show]” she added.
“I’m sure we have as many followers as the reality shows that are represented every year.” Sirtis said.
On the topic of how a viral Twitter campaign began to have her nominated for the Dancing With The Stars, Sirtis said “I mentioned my desire to appear on the show at a couple of conventions and of course the fans picked up the ball and ran with it.”
“I really do have the best fans in the world and I’m so grateful for their continued love and support.” Sirtis said.
The cast will be officially announced on August 29th with a premier episode slated for Monday, September 19th.
If you’d like to nominate Marina to be a contestant on the upcoming 13th season of Dancing With The Stars, visit ABC’s official DWTS website.

August 17, 2011 at 4:47 pm
Yeah!!! Thank you for writing!!!!!
August 17, 2011 at 5:05 pm
Personally I’d LOVE to see her on the show. She’d be the second Star Trek actor to appear. 🙂
Jonathan Pike
August 17, 2011 at 5:21 pm
Marina gets my vote!!!
Chris Bryan
August 17, 2011 at 9:31 pm
I’m looking forwards to rooting for her in this upcoming season! She’ll have my full support. I’ll look up and see who the other stars of this season is/are going to be. Too bad Brent isn’t going to be in it! I bet he’d win it. But, Marina will probably win it. But, Gates McFadden, will probably won’t qualify for the show because she’s a dance expert. But, I’ll be rooting for Marina!
August 17, 2011 at 9:34 pm
Thank you Trek News for posting this story. Fans of Marina Sirtis have been working very diligently to get her nominated and we appreciate Trek New’s support of Marina and her fans’ efforts to make her dream come true.
To all the Star Trek fans, I humbly request that you support Marina in this initiative. Repeatedly fans say they want to see their favourite Trek actors working in new projects. Here is your opportunity to observe a Trek actor do something totally different. You are also helping not only Marina, but her fellow thespians, escape the continued stereotyping that many Trek actors face when wishing to find jobs outside of the science fiction realm. Therefore, a vote for Marina is a vote for diversified work portfolio for all who are associated with the sci-fi genre.
Finally, Star Trek is a multi-billion dollar franchise. Only Harry Potter and Star Wars rivals Trek in purchasing power and fan loyalty. We have a strong fandom, which is multi-generational and inclusive of all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, religion or sexual orientation. DWTS stands on the same niveau and represents many of the same ideologies as Trek: the cultivation of art, fair play, hard work, and passion for what one does. Because Star Trek and DWTS have these things in common, it is only befitting that we show our strength and vote, supporting the ideologies above.
Once again I ask you to please vote and give Marina our support. Show the world how strong we are as fans!
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